Saturday, January 8, 2005

It's Like A Curse

She's a fool.  Sometimes she wishes her heart were made of stone; but she knows that could never be.  That is not the way she chose to live.  This life.

Her's is a heart of tenderness, of joy, of deep and profound love.  A heart capable of loving the entire world, expecting nothing, yet hurting at the same time.  With tenderness comes pain.  That's just the way it is.  For now.

In another room her husband waits, unaware that she longs for another's touch.  Unaware that another man's song has awakened her soul.  Oh, how the years have foolish she has been.  Has she thrown it all away?  Is she just wasting time?  Is he?  She knows the answers will reveal themselves, in time.  Just as they have always done.  In time.

She must be patient.  She must be brave, just as her love has told her to be.  She must listen to him.  He knows.  He controls.  He loves.  


~~All things are possible when we believe.~~


Anonymous said...

I know your pain.

Anonymous said...

Whoa!  Wasted her life?  She's been married a while to a man she no longer loves.  She has a lover who gives her pleasures she has never known.  No.  She hasn't wasted her life.  She's had lots of happy days, unhappy days, relaxed days, stressful days. All six billion human beings on this planet have days just like hers.  Now she's found a man who makes all the bells and whistles go off.  It's new, it's different, it's fun.  How this plays out is anyone's guess.  These words are scarY: "She must be brave, just as her love has told her to be.  She must listen to him.  He knows.  He controls.  He loves."  

What happened to her sense of self.  WHY must she listen to him.  Why can't she listen to her own heart?  Why is HE the only one who knows?  He conTROLS???  That is unhealthy.  No one should control a relationship.  We each live our own lives.  Usually in tandem with people we love.  In tandem to.  Not in subservience to.

Go to a video store.  Ask for "Brief Encounter".  50's. Black and white.  About a 45-year-old married woman who meets a man at a railroad station.  Chemistry kicks in.  They have tea.  They have an affair.  She goes back to her safe, warm, happy life.  The End.  See it.

As we get older, we find the bells and whistles don't go off as often as they once did.  Nature only put those noise makers in there to get people together so that our species (homo sapiens) of the family mammalia of the animal kingdom would do it more and reproduce themselves and keep the species alive.  Sex with someone you love - when two people think of nothing but pleasing the other - is the best high in the world.  You work in the yard all day, and your wife brings you a pecan pie topped with vanilla ice cream and a large glass of cold milk.  THAT's the second best

Anonymous said...

The comment below, is a comment of ignorence and comes from not understanding that people are human, and have human weaknesses. We need to be content to survive as much as we need air to breathe. We must honor ourselves, our families and our God.  God knows that we are his imperfect creatures, why else would he have given us choice?

Now, that said, I understand what it is like to surrender power to another and I surrender from great strength.  I am neither weak nor lacking for self worth or value.  I am loved beyond my wildest dreams, and I love him back more than I can ever tell you.  Our dynamic is both powerful and beautiful.  

To the reader below, I ask you to read an article, called The Healthy Submissive, after you have read it, I doubt very seriously you will be able to stand by your previous comment.

Anonymous said...

Oh my, I think I've just been reprimanded...for an English professor.