Sunday, February 26, 2006

Easy - #37

Sometimes during my journal hopping I can't help but notice how some journals here in J-Land are filled to the brim with comments, while others are sprinkled with a handful of thoughtful observations.  And it got me thinking...

Tell me...

Are you comfortable surrounding yourself with a large circle of people whom you don't really know with only one or two core people you consider your closest friends, or do you prefer a small circle of your closest friends all of whom you know and trust implicitly, or are you somewhere in the middle?

Friends are a wonderful gift, and I definitely lean toward the smaller circle with an open door to allow new people in...but I have been known to close that door at times.  Maybe even slam it.  I am very independent, raised by a woman who believed I needed to be my own best friend to survive this life.  Throughout my life I have always preferred to spend my time with small close-knit groups and this has spread into my work life as well.  Looking back on my career I was found within a small company with less than 50 employees more often than not; time spent working for a large company, 100+ employees, was always short-lived.  Interacting within a small group just seems to work best for me.

That's me, what about you?


Anonymous said...

Lots and lots of friends....however I usually have only one bestest bud at a time.

Anonymous said...

I prefer small groups   most of the time i spend one on one time with a friend however   working for the p.o. there were tons of people, but i associated with only a few~kbear

Anonymous said...

I love interacting with a lot of people like here in J-Land but because of my work schedule I have a small circle of friends that I really associate with!!!