Monday, December 20, 2004

I Am a Quitter

Smoke-free.  31 days and counting!!!!  Ah!!!!!!!

Thank you NicoDerm CQ!Clear NicoDerm CQ Nicotine Transdermal System Stop Smoking Aid

It's working!  :)


  1. Keep up the good work! Don't stop what you are doing now. Smoking is pretty bad and Im really happy that you have been smoke free for 30 days now..... =]

  2. Thank you for your encouraging words and for stopping by!  Success is mine!!!!  :)

  3. I am very proud of you Dona! Keep the days coming! I know its probably hard but know that all of your journal buddies are here for your. ; )

  4. Thanks Ger-it's getting easier with each passing day!  :)


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