To Mother Nature:
You know that entry I made a couple of days ago, titled 'Spring It On Me." I used Linda Goodman's poem and it mentions a 'Sky-Rocket-Block-Buster Miracle.' Perhaps I should have been a little more clear in the type of miracle.
I truly admire your work, and I dont' wish to minimize any effort you have made, but we need to talk...about that hornet's nest at the cabin. Yeah. Ummmm, that's not quite the miracle I had in mind. Now the little miniture daffy' them. That's the kind of stuff I meant. But, I think the hornet's nest, well, to be honest, I gotta tell ya, I really don't want it. Please take it back, 'k? Please?
If you do me this one favor, I promise I will be more specific and provide better details in all future wishes. Really, I will. Seriously. I've learned my lesson.
~~Don't mess with Mother Nature.~~