Friday, January 28, 2022

One little word

This year it's Joy. Last year it was Savor.

Whether it's called one little word  or word of the year, it's all the same.

Duke offered me something, twice this week. He's offered it many times before, but I never thought to capture the moment with a photo. Until the other night, I just savored the moment. In peace with him. It took a very long time to get to this point with Duke, where he will lay down on cue and allow me to snuggle up next to him, laying calmly while allowing me to lay my head on his neck. 

Trust. It's quite humbling, really. 

The tire track in the dirt makes for an interesting backgound.

One little word describes what I'm feeling in this moment. Joy.

Sunday, January 2, 2022

Capturing December, day 31

 Capturing December, photo a day challenge. 

Day 31. Fun. 

DH plowing snow for the neighbors. Working? Playing? He's having fun with it.

#capturingdecember #capturingdecemberchallenge #capturingmoments #capturingdecember2021 #photochallenge