Thursday, December 23, 2004

Another Bottom Feeder Rises

Was just watching Fox News, and it seems Amber Frey has been busy outside the court room.  Just heard her book is about to be released on   Apparently, as she placed her right hand on the Bible and swore to tell the truth while she was bearing 'Witness' on behalf of Laci and Connor, she was signing her name to a book contract with her other hand.  If Amber Frey has the capacity to write a compelling read about her ordeal as the other woman in Scott Peterson's deadly game, then I must have the capacity to fly.  I once thought she was an innocent victim.  Then came the make-over, the new ward robe, and a new attorney, Gloria Allred.  A star is born?  Any sympathy I felt for Amber disintegrated tonight; I now realize she is yet another Loser who made the choice to make a buck off someone else's pain and suffering...all in the name of Justice.  If these are the kind of stories that get published because this is what America wants to read, then I need to make a run to the corner drug store.

I think I'm gonna be sick.


Anonymous said...

I said EXACTLY the same thing last night when I saw this story on the news.  Except it went more like "if this is what the american public is purchasing at the book store, then I have been right all along - they all need lobotomies"  -Kelly

Anonymous said...

You got that right Kelly!  They do need a lobotomy.  Well said!