Monday, January 24, 2005

Good night, Johnny

You made me laugh, always.  I grew up with you in my living room, every single week night.  As a young child, I remember hearing your show in the living room as I lay in my bed, and I couldn't wait until I was old enough to stay up late so I could watch your show.  It was the laughter, you always made people laugh.  I wanted to know what you did, how you did it, and why.

I have so many fond memories of time spent with my family, with my Mom, with my Dad, because of you.  You brought people together.  You made us laugh.  Each night you helped us forget our troubles and our cares.  No one but you could get away with poking fun at the President every single night.  Your sense of humor, timing, talent, and adventure are unrivaled...untouched.

You will be greatly missed.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Perfect journal entry!  Great photo followed by heartfelt truth.