Wednesday, October 5, 2005

Ring, Ring,

I am in awe of my husband.

He can wake up from a deep sleep and within ten seconds speak in complete and coherant sentances.

Me, I can barely muster to open my eyes let alone figure out whether I'm still dreaming or awake.

This morning the phone rang shortly after five.  It happens with his job, especially when he's on call.  The phone can ring at anytime of the night.  And those times when we are both fast asleep, he always picks it up on the first ring and immediately begins carrying on a conversation using words like evaporators and turbines.

One minute he's sound asleep and seconds later he's wrapping his brain around complex physics, analyzing problems and drawing conclusions based on abstract input from the caller. 

By the time he's solved the problem and hung up the phone, I'm laying there blindly smacking my night stand in a desperate attempt to hit the snooze button on an otherwise silent alarm clock, which isn't due to go off for at least another hour.  But I can't figure that out.  I was asleep.  I heard a noise.  It is my duty to hit that snooze button at least five times before I wake-up.

Is it just me or are all men that alert when they wake up?  Are men just hard wired to wake up with complete capacity of their senses, and women are destined to start the day bleary eyed, irritable and always somewhat confused?

I think God has a sense of humor and mornings like this provide some form of entertainment.


Anonymous said...

"Is it just me or are all men that alert when they wake up?  Only if it's a kid crying or some emergency. Casual callers get to enjoy my "Muttering Confused Old Geezer" routine.

Are men just hard wired to wake up with complete capacity of their senses, and women are destined to start the day bleary eyed, irritable and always somewhat confused?"
I can honestly and truly say that I never have complete capacity of my senses. but I do respond well to crises. Other than that, it's like watching "On Golden Pond"

Anonymous said...

"'s like watching "On Golden Pond"


Anonymous said...

My ex used to pop up like that in the morning, in more ways than one.  Maybe that's one of the reasons he is now an ex.  lol  ~Sie

Anonymous said...

The snooze button is there to be used and I, like you feel that it should be used.  Why waste it I! ;-)

Sandra xxxx

Anonymous said...

That was hilarious!  You and I are in the same boat with this one Dona.  I can't speak, think, walk...for at least a half hour after waking up, yet, Vic can multi task several things without missing a beat.  Go figure!  LOL!

Thank god for snooze buttons!  

Your sis,
