Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Trippin' Through the Snow...

...better late than never. Cliche, I know, but true.

Right after Christmas the hubster had a serious case of cabin fever. After being tied to the house and tree farm every weekend since Thanksgiving he wanted to get outta Dodge. So we did. Might as well take advantage of the low fuel prices too (I can't believe I actually filled my tank for under $20 not so long ago...of course that was short lived...nice but short lived).

With record holiday snowfalls in our region, it was a perfect time to take the Jeep on a four wheeling run. Friday, December 26 we headed to the mountain towns of Waha and Winchester. On Saturday, we headed to our cabin in the mountains of Clearwater County.


Sandra said...

It looks wonderful Dona, I love snow and would have loved every minute of the trip. :o)

Love and Hugs

Sandra xxxx

kbear said...

OMG!!! i haven't seen that much snow for over 20yrs when i was in California up in the Sierra Mtns. WOW!! how beautiful! how treacherous! but what an ADVENTURE!! my kind of fun!..loved the music with the video too:-)..HUGZ~kbear