Wednesday, November 24, 2004

And the Ultra sound says...

it's a girl!  Well, so far.  Came home from work to find the mom-to-be and her father watching the baby on video (technology's mind boggling).  Baby is developing nicely at 16 weeks, has a healthy heart beat, and now, they can color in the umbilical cord so you can see the blood actually pumping.  Amazing.  Mom-to-be said at first she thought it was a girl, but changed her mind to a boy a few weeks ago...ironically, when she first told us (with a poem, how sweet is that?) my first inclination was toward a girl, but I changed my mind a couple of weeks ago too.  Weird.  Well, I've had friends who were told it was a boy, and delivered a baby, I'll wait until the next ultra sound.  Frankly, I know the techs are highly trained to spot these things, but I couldn't tell one way or the other on that screen.  At any rate, she's an active one!  Kicking and everything.  Feisty it would seem, just like her mother.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My guess would have been a girl! I love my baby girl! Congrats!