Tuesday, November 30, 2004

No Act of Kindness...

No act of kindness is ever wasted.

This morning on the drive to work, a stranger made my day just a little bit...no, make that a WHOLE lot better, and showed me that courtesy is alive and well here on planet earth.  And all he did was put his car into reverse, back up a few feet, and allow me to make a left turn into a parking lot.  Simple.  Easy.  For his kindness I paid him with a smile and a wave.  He nodded back.  And for both of us, the day began on a positive note.  Regardless of what happened to me before that moment, today is a good day and life is good.

What goes around, comes back to you, ten fold.  I know, because my courtesy to others just came back to me.  And the timing was perfect.


~~Have faith in the human spirit and in each heart's capacity to make our world a better place.~~


Anonymous said...

Very Spooky! I had an entry all ready to go today about "random acts of kindness" and I changed my mind and decided to save it for another day and then here I see you did one!  Nice entry!

Anonymous said...

There is this one elderly that I see every morning and every morning that I see him he says "Hi" to me and "Have a nice day" that alone makes my day. Because although I don't know the man he always takes his time to make my morning alot much brighter.

Anonymous said...

Ah, I love those warm fuzzy moments.  We need more!