Friday, October 23, 2020

Eat Calming Foods


October 7: Eat Calming Foods

During times of stress it's common to eat comfort foods that temporarily soothe and distract us. Salty, greasy, sugary things that taste good but don't offer a lot of nutritional benefit. It's normal to crave these foods, but when it comes to nutrition and stress, one of the best things you can do for your body and mind is to reach for whole foods like fruits, vegetables, proteins, and whole grains. Treats have their place every now and then, but try adding nutrient-rich foods to your plate more often. Notice if you feel a difference in your mood. Pause and reconsider your food choices during high-stress times.

Reach for Nutrient-Rich Foods
  • Fresh fruits, like oranges, grapefruit, pineapple, berries, and even bell peppers* are all high in vitamin C, which can help lower the levels the stress hormone cortisol and blood pressure during high-stress situations.
  • Nuts and seeds, like almonds, walnuts, Brazil nuts, and pumpkin seeds, pack a nutritional punch! They are a great source of magnesium, which has been found to improve sleep quality.
  • Fatty fish, like wild salmon, tuna, and rainbow trout, are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which promote overall brain health and may help manage depression and anxiety.
Vitamin C: Stress Buster / Nutrition and Stress 

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